English Antonyms
1. Dwarf
2. Destructive
3. Centrifugal (away from center)
4. Confident
5. Dependent
6. Dilute
Concentrate, Thicken
7. Deliberate (careful, intentional)
Inadvertent, Unintentional
8. DawnDusk
9. Broad (very wide)
10. ConfessDeny
11. Ebb (to diminish or lessen in intensity)Flow
12. CompulsoryOptional
13. DomesticWild
14. CreateDestroy, Annihilate
15. DiseaseHealth
16. ComedyTragedy
17. Defensive (serving to protect)Offensive (aggressive)
18. DepositWithdraw
19. DepartureArrival
20. Crude (in an unprocessed state or condition)Refined
21. DryWet
22. DeathLife
23. Cheerful (happy and optimistic)Cheerless, Gloomy
24. Deduction (a conclusion reached by applying the rules of logic to a premise)
Induction (logic conclusion based on evidence)
25. CheapExpensive, Costly
26. CommonRare
27. Emigrant (somebody who moves to another country)Immigrant (somebody coming to settle in a country)
28. DifficultEasy
29. Defendant (accused party)Plaintiff (somebody who begins a lawsuit against another person (defendant) in a civil court)
30. Condemn(consider somebody guilty)
Acquit, Approve, Commend
31. BuySell
32. DiminishIncrease
33. CreditDebit
34. Egoism (making personal welfare and interests your primary or only concern, sometimes at the expense of others)
Altruism (an attitude or way of behaving marked by unselfish concern for the welfare of others)
35. DemocracyAutocracy
36. Debtor (somebody or something that owes)Creditor (somebody owed money)
37. Clergy (the body of people ordained for religious service, especially in the Christian Church)Laity (the followers of a religion who are not clergy)
38. ColdHot
39. Bright (illuminated, intelligent)
Dim, Dull
40. Deficit (the amount by which expenditures exceed income or budget)Surplus
41. Convex (a surface that curves outward rather than inward)Concave
42. Elevation
43. Diligent (persistent and hard-working)Lazy, Idle
44. CleverStupid
45. DarkLight
46. Concord(friendly relations, or peace, music pleasing combination of sounds)
Discord (disagreement or strife between people, things, or situations, unpleasant musical sounds)
47. Carnal (relating to physical needs)Spiritual
48. Deflate (let air out)Inflate
49. EarlyLate
50. DeepShallow
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